Life Extension, Creatine Capsules, 120 Capsules > 아이허브 추천상품

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아이허브 추천상품

Life Extension, Creatine Capsules, 120 Capsules

페이지 정보

작성자 백진희 조회 224회 댓글 3건 작성일 24-02-04 12:45



가격 : ₩9,076

◀제품 설명▶

  • Non-GMO LE Certified
  • Provides Energy and Healthy Muscle Support
  • Dietary Supplement
Creatine is an amino acid derivative made naturally in the body and can be obtained in the diet from meat and seafood. It is used as a supplement to promote cellular energy and muscle health.

Creatine Capsules support overall exercise performance by maintaining encouraging healthy muscle function and energy metabolism.

Creatine Capsules Benefits 
  • Supports healthy muscle function 
  • Promotes exercise performance 
  • Encourages healthy energy metabolism 
  • Maintains healthy cellular energy levels, muscle health & heart muscle function
Optimal Healthy Energy Metabolism

Creatine supports overall cellular health by maintaining already-healthy muscle function and encouraging energy metabolism to optimize exercise performance. Support your muscle health and optimize healthy energy metabolism with Creatine Capsules.

Creatine is an amino acid derivative found in meat and seafood. It is also produced in the human body, primarily in the liver and kidneys from the amino acids L-arginine and glycine, as well as S-adenosylmethionine. It’s transported in the blood to help support energy for cells throughout the body.

Creatine and skeletal muscle

As much as 95% of creatine is stored in the skeletal muscles, with smaller amounts in the brain and testes. About two-thirds of intramuscular creatine is turned into phosphocreatine and stored as a source of phosphate for the production of cellular energy in the form of ATP. In healthy individuals, muscle creatine is broken down and replenished at a rate of approximately 1 to 3 grams a day.

A large body of evidence shows that creatine supplementation can support exercise-induced increases in muscle mass, strength and performance in all age groups and in an array of types of athletic activity. It has been demonstrated to benefit both upper and lower body muscle strength. Creatine exerts various effects on muscle tissue, and several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the increased exercise performance seen after creatine intake:
  • Optimizing energy metabolism by maintaining higher levels of the body's energy currency, adenosine triphosphate or ATP
  •  Promoting protein metabolism in muscle cells
  • Inhibiting tissue damage by inhibiting oxidative stress
Creatine as you age

Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated creatine has positive effects on strength and body composition and supports muscular performance in older adults, especially when combined with resistance-training. A systematic review of research noted benefits in upper and lower body muscle strength, physical performance and body composition are often seen after 12 weeks of creatine supplementation plus resistance exercise in healthy older adults. Creatine supplementation has even been found to support non-exercising seniors.

The potential benefits of creatine are now known to extend well beyond muscle health. A growing body of evidence suggests creatine supplementation can support neurological and cognitive health. Creatine may also promote healthy mood and have neuroprotective properties. Creatine has also been reported to support healthy lipid, glucose, bone and homocysteine metabolism in older adults.

Each creatine capsule supplies 500 mg of easily absorbed creatine monohydrate.

◀제품 사용법▶

사용 전에 라벨 전체를 주의 깊게 읽고 사용 방법을 따르십시오.

하루 2회, 캡슐 2정씩 물 또는 주스와 함께 복용하거나, 의료 전문가의 권장에 따라 복용하십시오.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

아이허브 관련상 추천상품 더 보기

Jane Iredale, Mystikol, Powdered Eyeliner, Dark Topaz, 0.06 oz (1.75 g)


가격 : ₩14,017

◀제품 설명▶

  • The Skincare Makeup®
  • Leaping Bunny Certified

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Planetary Herbals, 산사나무 심장, 900 mg, 120 타블렛


가격 : ₩21,348

◀제품 설명▶

  • 심장혈관 체계 지원
  • 허브 보충제
  • Michael Tierra L.Ac, O.M.D 제조

산사나무는 플라보노이드가 풍부한 허브로, 심장의 정상적 활동을 지원하는 능력 때문에 사랑받고 있습니다. Planetary Herbals 산사나무 심장은 심장혈관 체계를 지원하기 위한 소중한 아시아의 식물들, 그리고 유럽과 북아메리카로부터 온 이 귀중한 강장제를 결합합니다.

◀제품 사용법▶

하루 3회 1 타블렛.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Natural Factors, Ultimate Probiotic, 24/12 포뮬러, 240억 CFU, 베지 캡슐 60정


가격 : ₩26,654

◀제품 설명▶

  • Leaders in Probiotic Science & Innovation with Over 35 Years' Experience
  • Premium Formula
  • Dietary Supplement
  • 24 Billion† Live Probiotic Cultures
  • 12-Strain Formula
  • Daily Nourishment for Intestinal Health
  • Essential Gut & Immune Support
  • Suitable for Vegetarians
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

Why Choose Ultimate Probiotic?

The Ultimate Probiotic family is the culmination of over 35 years of research and formulation expertise. Ultimate Probiotic 24/12 Formula provides daily nourishment for intestinal and immune health.

  • Research-supported strains & strengths.
  • Potency guaranteed through expiration.
  • Guaranteed compatibility ensures viability.
  • Bio-Support technology for guaranteed acid resistance.
  • Beneficial prebiotic fiber.
  • DNA mapping of each strain for guaranteed identity.
  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten Free

An imbalance in gut flora may be caused by stress, diet, travel, gastrointestinal disturbances, and medication use. Ultimate Probiotic 24/12 Formula provides 12 proprietary gastric resistant strains with a powerful concentration of 24 billion active cells† that work synergistically for maximum activity and efficacy. Supporting a positive balance of microflora helps maintain a healthy immune system and digestive strength. A healthy intestinal flora also helps to create a favorable environment for absorption of nutrients.

Enteric coating is not required for all probiotic strains. With regard to stomach acid resistance, not all strains are created equal. Natural Factors has carefully selected naturally acid-resistant strains so that they may be consumed at any time, with or without meals, and are safely delivered to the intestine unharmed. Our strains are tested for their viability in the stomach to ensure optimal absorption and efficacy.

†Guaranteed minimum 24 billion active cells per capsule at expiry date.

†Guaranteed minimum 40 billion active cells per capsule at manufacture date.

Non-GMO: Documentation ✔
Mass Spec: Lab Tested ✔

◀제품 사용법▶

하루 1~3회 공복 또는 식사 중에 캡슐 1정을 섭취하거나 의료 전문가의 지시에 따라 섭취하십시오. 항생제를 복용하고 있다면 항생제 복용 2시간 후에 프로바이오틱스를 섭취하십시오.

최고의 효능을 위해 냉장 보관하십시오.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Grace & Stella, 블랙헤드 제거 키트, 2종 구성 키트


가격 : ₩10,613

◀제품 설명▶

  • 피부과 전문의 사용 수준의 스텐인리스스틸
  • 구부러진 블랙헤드 족집게 1개, 양쪽 루프형 여드름 추출기 1개
  • "블랙헤드는 재미없지만 제거하는 것은 재미있을 것입니다"
  • 동물에게 피해 없이 제조됨, 유기농
여드름을 짜고 블랙헤드를 제거하는 것은 재미도 있고 이상하리만치 만족스럽습니다. 하지만 여드름 상처가 남는 것은 재미있는 일이 아닙니다. Grace & Stella의 블랙헤드 제거 키트는 말 그대로 모공에서 찌꺼기를 적절하게 제거하는 도구를 제공합니다.

◀제품 사용법▶

  1. 도구는 사용하기 전 소독용 알코올이나 비눗물로 씻어주십시오.
  2. 깨끗하고 따끈한 수건을 얼굴에 덮어 모공을 열어 줍니다.
  3. 루프형 막대의 한쪽 끝, 또는 구부러진 족집게 날을 여드름에 대고 단단하지만 부드럽게 힘을 주어 누릅니다. 이 압력으로 모공에서 찌꺼기를 밀어냅니다.
  4. 세안 후 사용하시는 토너와 모이스처라이저를 발라 줍니다.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

◀오늘의 명언▶

이에 솔로몬이 기브온 산당 회막 앞에서부터 예루살렘으로 돌아와서 이스라엘을 치리하였더라
아브라함이 바랄 수 없는 중에 바라고 믿었으니 이는 네 후손이 이같으리라 하신 말씀대로 많은 민족의 조상이 되게 하려 하심을 인함이라
내게 말하는 자가 그 성과 그 문들과 성곽을 척량하려고 금 갈대를 가졌더라
아이허브 코리아 공식홈페이지 바로가기


안이수님의 댓글

profile_image 안이수

The value of his star alone until the price increases, but these pills led me after God in the removal of gases completely, which removed by 100% left two or three weeks travel and returned to me gases as it was now used again and saved me again eat it as shown on the site and on the carton .. One love per day When you wake up before eating .. If you like, appreciate me yes and thank you.

김금성님의 댓글

profile_image 김금성

We always have a home. One of the best probiotics in terms of price / quality ratio. They really help.

이현재님의 댓글

profile_image 이현재

맛있어, 탄산 음료 버리면 돼

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