Frontier Natural Products, Baking Soda, 16 oz (453 g) > 아이허브 추천상품

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아이허브 추천상품

Frontier Natural Products, Baking Soda, 16 oz (453 g)

페이지 정보

작성자 안현원 조회 310회 댓글 3건 작성일 22-01-21 09:07



가격 : ₩3,106

◀제품 설명▶

  • Member Owned Since 1976
  • Responsible To People and Planet
  • Kosher
  • Non-Irradiated

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

아이허브 관련상 추천상품 더 보기

Further Food, 강황 토닉, 20팩, 각 2g(0.07oz)


가격 : ₩30,999

◀제품 설명▶

  • 최상의 강황 우유 블렌드
  • 분말형 건강 보조 식품
  • 7가지 슈퍼푸드와 아답토젠으로 강화
  • Eat Better / Go Further
  • 정성을 담은 제품
  • 유전자 변형 성분 무함유
  • 비건
  • 설탕 무함유

전문가가 만든 웰빙 블렌드

  • 강황
  • 흑후추
  • 카다멈
  • 계피
  • 정향
  • 생강
  • 보스웰리아
  • 오미자 열매

◀제품 사용법▶

사용 예

일반 섭취 시: 1팩을 물이나 따뜻한 우유에 부어 강황 차나 강황 우유로 마십니다.

활력 증진: 스무디, 에너지 볼 등 무엇에든 혼합하여 드십시오.

조리 시: 국이나 카레, 소스에 넣어 드십시오.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Hyleys Tea, Garcinia Cambogia Green Tea, Acai Berry, 25 Tea Bags, 1.32 oz (37.5 g)


가격 : ₩5,288

◀제품 설명▶

  • 100% Natural Product
  • No GMO Colors Preservatives
  • Effectively Burns Belly & Body Fat
  • Increases Metabolism
  • 25 Foil Envelope Tea Bags
  • Suppresses Food Cravings
  • Contains Vital Nutrients Potassium, Calcium & Vitamin C
  • Supports Healthy Digestion & Regular Bowel Movement
  • Pareve
  • Recommended for adults
Hyleys Green Tea with Garcinia Cambogia & Acai Berry flavors has been created by combining pure Chinese green tea leaves with 100% natural garcinia cambogia to deliver a powerful fat burning & weight loss formula. Garcinia cambogia is the miracle find of the 21st century for losing weight.

To attain maximum benefit, it is important to maintain a healthy & balanced diet, with moderate exercise on a regular basis.

◀제품 사용법▶

How to use: For optimal results take one cup of Hyleys Green Tea with Garcinia Cambogia & Acai Berry flavor 30 minutes prior to a meal. Take regularly till you attain your desired weight goal.

Pour 8 oz freshly boiled water over a tea bag in a cup. Cover cup and steep 5-8 minutes. These steps directly influence the amount of beneficial components that end up in your tea cup. Gently squeeze the tea bag to release any remaining extract. 

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Life Extension, ComfortMAX, Double-Action Nerve Support, For AM & PM, 30 Vegetarian Tablets Each


가격 : ₩36,483

◀제품 설명▶

  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non-GMO
  • Twice Daily Formula in Convenient Blister Packaging
  • Just Push Tablet Through Back of Packaging to Use!
ComfortMAX™ delivers two potent ingredients: palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and honokiol, a compound derived from Magnolia bark. By promoting nerve comfort in two separate yet complementary ways, the ingredients in ComfortMAX™ help to inhibit nerve discomfort.

The reasons for physical discomfort vary, but the way we experience that discomfort doesn't. That's why we’ve created ComfortMAX™.

ComfortMAX™ Benefits
  • Provides dual-action nerve support to help inhibit discomfort 
  • Helps inhibit inflammatory factors to promote nerve health 
  • Supports “calming” GABA neurotransmitters affected by discomfort 
  • Helps you stay comfortable throughout the day 
  • Provides morning and nighttime doses for around-the-clock support
According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 25 million Americans experience daily discomfort. This kind of discomfort can affect mood, mobility and quality of life. The reasons for physical discomfort vary, but the way we experience that discomfort doesn’t: Our peripheral nerves are responsible for delivering sensory information (an itch, temperature change, physical pressure, etc.) to the brain. And that’s where ComfortMAX™ comes in.

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is a unique kind of fatty acid that can inhibit discomfort. Your body naturally produces PEA as part of a healthy inflammatory and immune response. In fact, PEA inhibits the secretion of compounds from mast cells, a type of white blood cell. Over time, our mast cells decrease in number, causing our remaining mast cells to work harder.

That can make them overly sensitive, activating processes linked to nerve discomfort. By inhibiting compounds released by mast cells, PEA promotes your body’s natural response to uncomfortable nerve stimuli at the cellular level.

PEA’s efficacy has been demonstrated in multiple clinical trials.9 In a randomized controlled trial following 636 patients over a period of three weeks, 600 mg of PEA every day significantly improved scores that measured relative comfort and quality of life. In a smaller randomized controlled trial, patients reported that PEA outperformed standard care for discomfort when taken for two weeks.


Honokiol is a naturally occurring lignan compound derived from several species of magnolia, many of which have been used in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. Now, scientists are discovering that honokiol has applications for nerve health and comfort.

Honokiol has been shown to support the “calming” GABA receptors in the brain, which affects the way the brain perceives discomfort. Furthermore, honokiol is quickly taken up into the brain in animal models, making it an ideal ingredient for nerve health and comfort.

Innovative Daytime & Nighttime Formula

ComfortMAX™ has been formulated to be taken twice a day, one tablet in the morning and one tablet at night, right before bed, for day and night support. Each package of ComfortMAX™ provides a 30-day supply.

◀제품 사용법▶

상자를 전체 읽고 지시 사항을 주의 깊게 따르십시오.

아침에 한 알 (1), 취침 바로 직전에 한 알 (1)을 음식과 함께 또는 단독으로 섭취하거나 의료 종사자의 권장에 따라 섭취하십시오.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Nature's Plus, B-컴플렉스(쌀겨 함유), 90정


가격 : ₩7,517

◀제품 설명▶

  • 채식주의자에게 적합
  • 저자극성 제품
  • 건강 보조 식품
  • 글루텐 없음
  • 고품질의 천연 보조제

자연 에너지 생산을 위한 영양을 지원합니다.

◀제품 사용법▶

건강 보조 식품으로, 매일 1정을 가급적이면 식사와 함께 또는 식사 직후에 복용하십시오.

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

Julep, 쏘 플러시, 울트라 하이드레이팅 립 글로스, 베스티, 0.15fl oz(4.4ml)


가격 : ₩10,084

◀제품 설명▶

  • 바르기만 해도 완벽한 변신 성공
  • 파라벤 무함유
  • 보습 효과를 내는 히알루론 필링 알갱이와 내추럴 오일
  • 쿠션감 있는 끈적이지 않는 텍스처
  • 크루얼티 프리

아이허브에서 추천상품 구매하기

◀오늘의 명언▶

형제들아 내 마음에 원하는 바와 하나님께 구하는 바는 이스라엘을 위함이니 곧 저희로 구원을 얻게 함이라
물이 다시 흘러 병거들과 기병들을 덮되 그들의 뒤를 쫓아 바다에 들어간 바로의 군대를 다 덮고 하나도 남기지 아니하였더라
유대인들이 이를 인하여 더욱 예수를 죽이고자 하니 이는 안식일만 범할 뿐 아니라 하나님을 자기의 친 아버지라 하여 자기를 하나님과 동등으로 삼으심이러라
아이허브 코리아 공식홈페이지 바로가기


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An excellent probiotic for digestive and immune health. Helped to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. constant purchase!

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